Dalam pertemuan ini
Kita terperangkap sudah
Dalam jerat percintaan
Yang tidak disangkakan
Lately aku mmg suka dgr lagu sedey2..
sbb sgt sesuai dgn keadaan aku yg dlm dilemma...
sume org pon nak lari frm masalah.
tp yg aku pilih is masalah..
but still, org ckp people learn frm mistakes.
so buat la sebanyak mistakes yg boley..
tp jgn la ulang ag,,
Sedeynye, aku mcm xpernah nak menyesal.
Buat lagi and lagi...
To you know who you are, Im really sorry..
I shouldnt have done all this.
I should have wait. but maybe 4 months straight of not seeing you changed me..
I did mention that I need a guy who will always be near to me.
For a short time leave, i probably can handle that.
but 4 months? clearly shows that I cant..
Promises.. yess,, I know ive made so many promises to you.
sadly, none of them that I hold on to.
I lied, I cheat, I pretend, selfish and full of fake..
Im glad that you forgave me the first time..
You even said u'll never hate me..
I promise again. and again, ive broke it..
Im so sorry....
Ure so good to me.. so gentle and so kind.
You deserve some1 better..
You must be wondering.
Why was you that I left?
Why not him??
Honestly, I dont know..
I dont even have the exact answer for myself..
When I say "I LOVE YOU"... I really mean it.That is one thing that I am not faking..
I still love you.. but I dont deserve you.
I hope you understand..
Half of me saying that in the end, I would want you back.
I always do.. No one can ever replace you.
No one can ever be you.
You sacrifice a lot for your loved ones.
Btol ckp ur mom... "Untung sape yg dapat angah" (:
and I would like to add by me saying "bodoh sape yg lpaskan angah"..
Again, I dont deserve you... )):
I want to see you happy..
Im sure u'll be a successful man someday..
Just know one thing, I will always smile whenever I look at your pictures and hear about you.
Be happy sayang..(nak jugak ngaku syg!) :P
If kte btol ade jodoh, someday we'll meet again..
And of course, akan wujudnya buku baru.
Only if your heart is still open for me..
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