Hari nie terasa macam nk menimba ilmu. Keje asek tdo je so, ape kate kte membaca pulak hari nie. Oke hari nie I do some light reading on foods. Ape yg kite sangka x baik tu sbenarnya baik and ape yg kite sangka baik sebenarnye sebaliknya. Oke skang nk share ilmu pasal mkanan2 yg effect kaum hawa punye menstrual cycle. Im sure you all know what menstrual cycle is. Kitaran period kaum wanita. As for me, I usually suffer from period pain. Before this I took that pink panadol in order to cure my pain but not anymore after I know that it will give me a side effect. Who would want that right? Oke here are some information that may help to make your cycle better and prevent from any premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
First, consume foods that contain calcium. Studies menunjukkan yg perempuan with low calcium intake akn menghadapi mood swings, anxiety, crying and depression. They also tend to have more headaches, backaches and cramps. Jadi, same2 la kite cuba tingkatkan pengambilan calcium and discover the changes. Bagi yg mengalami "heavy flow". Maksudnya pengeluaran haid yg berlebihan. Try utk ambil makanan yg high with manganese. Contohnya fruits especially pineapples and vege. Other than that, whole grains, nuts and seeds.
As I mentioned earlier, I usually suffer from period pain. Oke I think its because of little fat in my body. Most of kte nie mzt nak kurus. Ade yg kurangkan pengambilan fats sbb takot gemuk. Actually, fat sgt penting bg wanita sbb our estrogen also synthesized(dibuat) drpd LDL cholesterol. LDL cholesterol dikatakan "bad fat" but they somehow give benefit to us (wanita). Kalau kite starved body kite from fat, this will shut down kte punye reproductive system. Sy sndri perasan membe2 yg salu kne period pain sumenye yg kurus2 and slim2. Ini sume sbb kte kekurangan fat. Tp x impossible bg yg berisi tuk ade period pain jugak. In conclusion, jgn la takot dgn fats sbb dia juga membantu. Jgn la amik burger 10 biji sehari. Try to consume monounsaturated fat contohnya olive oil.. Can also be use as minyak masak.
Later, kte touch on carbohydrates. Some women tyme period dorg akn mkn banyak. Craving for sweets, chocolates, rice, bread and etc. These cravings actually help you cure PMS instead of causing PMS. So, dont be afraid to these food cravings. Studies proved bg wanita yg cater this cravings alami fewer menstrual problems contohnya cramps berbanding yg cube jauhi these carbs food.
Apa yg kita patut jauhi time period is Caffein. Contohnya coffee, tea ataupun soft drinks. Sbb these caffein hanya akn mendorong kita pd PMS symptoms. Im not saying yg caffein menyebabkan PMS tp caffein menbuatkan kita jd sensitif terhadap PMS. Like me.. Time2 PMS, sy mmg sgt bad mood and cepat sgt nk mengamuk. Ye. Mengamuk ukan mara. beze tu.. haha! Therefore, I need to avoid what should be avoided and take what should be taken.
Same2 la improve kte punye menstrual problems. Try to use the informations given for a better menstrual cycle.. Ouh. Where do I get this info. Drpd buku Food Your Miracle Medicine.
Thanx for reading! (;
Later, kte touch on carbohydrates. Some women tyme period dorg akn mkn banyak. Craving for sweets, chocolates, rice, bread and etc. These cravings actually help you cure PMS instead of causing PMS. So, dont be afraid to these food cravings. Studies proved bg wanita yg cater this cravings alami fewer menstrual problems contohnya cramps berbanding yg cube jauhi these carbs food.
Apa yg kita patut jauhi time period is Caffein. Contohnya coffee, tea ataupun soft drinks. Sbb these caffein hanya akn mendorong kita pd PMS symptoms. Im not saying yg caffein menyebabkan PMS tp caffein menbuatkan kita jd sensitif terhadap PMS. Like me.. Time2 PMS, sy mmg sgt bad mood and cepat sgt nk mengamuk. Ye. Mengamuk ukan mara. beze tu.. haha! Therefore, I need to avoid what should be avoided and take what should be taken.
Same2 la improve kte punye menstrual problems. Try to use the informations given for a better menstrual cycle.. Ouh. Where do I get this info. Drpd buku Food Your Miracle Medicine.
Thanx for reading! (;
thanks for the info
ReplyDeletei love it
Thanx! glad that u love it.
Deletekite cube same2 kayh (:
Dah ada bunga2 cm sorg Dietician~ :)
ReplyDeleteoyea?? baru nmpk ke.....??